Sunday, January 11, 2015

Cyclocentric Fabric Origami (test 1)

It's not snake-skin, although it approaches that level of pain in the but to work with. OK, it's not sticky or stinky or really easy to poke a hole in, and if you screw it up you don't have to find another snake to continue. But, if you mark the wrong side of the fabric, one can't just flip it over. It's not that kind of symmetrical, especially if you've already cut the edge. Even though it won't work for the project I had in mind, I went ahead and stuffed it down just to see how challenging that was, ow!
The little section in the picture took about an hour. Because of the weird way the edge wobbles, when the network is expanded the lines get fat and thin.

 When they're stuffed in, the thin places want to pull the fabric across from them up. I'm pretty sure I can still hide the edges of  two thicknesses of flannel, but I'm not so sure about fleece or furry velvet. I still want to see the bulgy side after it's been stitched down, but this time that would suck because the good side of the fabric's on the back. Guess I better find another snake, and start over.

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